The Abundance & Self Worth Mastery Program

The Abundance & Self Worth Mastery Program begins with understanding your true value, where your power really comes from, how to manifest what you want (including more money), creating powerful intentions that get you results as well as the outer pieces to powerfully get the word out about your business. Here’s what the Program gets you to do – Through an initial interview process, we will identify your goals and what you’ve always imagined for your life. Figure out what you truly want to accomplish long-term for yourself and business. The idea here is to get CRYSTAL clear about your intentions.

  1. Down the Rabbit Hole

What goes in must come out! Whether talking about ingesting food or absorbing environmental behaviors and emotions – these toxins tend to bog you down and leave you struggling in procrastination, feeling stuck and spinning in circles. You’ll be learning proven techniques for breaking through your inner resistance, self-doubt, fear, anxiety and all of that “stuff” that keeps you playing small so that you can begin taking profitable action in your life and business.

  1. Your Breakthrough Moments

Together we’ll find out what your inner conflicts are and what is the identity that you want to have? Thru a caring process, we will examine your Limits, Challenge and Change them so that you may finally gain clarity and understand how you may be getting in your own way of reaching your goals.

  1. Radical Health Reboot

The parts of your body and your life that frustrate or sadden you are simply messengers asking you to “WAKE UP AND PAY ATTENTION”. They are asking you to eat, drink, move, think, breathe, believe or perceive in a new way. Through a Holistic Mind-Body Approach I will empower you to make step-by-step sustainable changes that will improve your health, happiness, and will restore your energy. It is a ripple effect and all you need is a drop to begin!

  1. Mindset Makeover

Thoughts become things! Your perception of who you are has been shaped by your external environment and experiences. Your emotional, financial and spiritual life remains frozen in the past hijacked by beliefs that you are out of alignment with and therefore, have no relevance to your current ideals and values of the adult you have become today. We will kick those “I can’t do that, I can’t have that, I’m not good enough, pretty enough, rich enough, skinny enough, smart enough, etc. limiting beliefs to the curb so they will be in your rear-view mirror! We will replace one set of beliefs with another to help shift your focus to one of positivity and nourishment for your soul.

  1. Release and Surrender

Through this journey you have experienced your breakthroughs, you have rebooted your Health, refreshed your Mindset, and now you will completely release all things that no longer serve you.

It is so engraved in our Human condition to try to fix and control everything.  By doing so we are constantly looking outside of ourselves.  It is now time Release and Surrender…..Release past attachments, expectations, worry, guilt, fear, burdens, disappointments, etc. Surrendering the control of these that are burdening you so that you may DE-stress and start living a more positive life.

  1. Celebrate

We’ll focus a lot of our time celebrating wins and creating the new habit of celebrating what’s showing up for you. What you focus on expands and everything you are learning and experiencing is of your creation. Your confidence will sky rocket as you consistently produce results over and over again! Celebrate what shows up so you can pave the way for even more success!

  1. Rinse & Repeat

Thank your courage for being Brave and showing up time and again.  As you will see your confidence will sky rocket as you consistently produce results over and over again! Trust the process. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Contact Amber to get started today!